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Are Bubbles Safe For Cats? (Are Catnip Bubbles Toxic?)

Posted in: Cat Health - Last Updated: May 1, 2022 - Author: Dexter Jones
Posted in Cat Health 
Last Updated: April 28, 2022  
Author:  Dexter Jones
are bubbles safe for cats

Whether domestic or wild, cats have stalking and hunting in their DNA. 

While inanimate cat toys are fun to play with, they are predictable and easy to catch. This reduces the cat's hunting drive and causes it to get bored quickly. 

Floating bubbles are much more engaging and challenging given their unpredictable behavior. 

As most of you cat-hoomans will be aware of, cats adore chasing and capturing flying 'non-toxic' bubbles while practicing their hunting skills, but are bubbles safe for cats?

Are Bubbles Safe For Cats? (in short)

Homemade bubbles are safe for felines if the soap does not contain harsh chemicals or harmful ingredients.

The last thing you want is for your moggie to suffer any side effects or chemical burns.

Using the Best Bubbles

It is essential that pet owners only use or make the correct type of bubbles. Make sure to use a dish detergent based on a non-toxic formula to keep your cat out of danger. 

You can also buy a bubble mixture specially designed for cats that are free of toxins and enriched with catnip oil to attract your kitty into play. 

Using dish soap to make plain bubbles helps you to save money while engaging your cat in funny activities that stimulate its natural behaviors. 

Before you start to create bubbles, check the detergent's composition for toxins. If you spot harmful elements, cancel the bubble game or use specific pet-safe bubbles instead. 

While non-toxic dishwashing liquid is much safer than detergents containing harsh chemicals, it can make your cat feel unwell if ingested in large quantities. 

If you notice your feline showing signs of sickness after playing with bubbles, call the Animal Poison Control Center for emergency veterinary aid.

What's Actually in Bubbles?

Most bubbles are made of soap

Once you blow through the wand, air accumulates inside a soap film creating a perfect sphere. While dishwashing liquid bubbles are made only of soap, store-bought cat bubbles may contain fragrances and essential oils. 

Most of the time catnip extract is used as felines adore its fragrance and it stimulates their playing drive.

Keep in mind that not all bubbles are safe for cats. 

You have to check the soap's label before making bubbles to be sure it's free of toxins.

Non toxic bubbles

Are Bubbles Safe for Dogs and Cats?

Are Bubbles are a perfect toy for cats who love stalking and hunting moving prey. 

But what if other pets are also attracted to the funny soapy spheres? It's important to purchase bubbles that are all pet-safe. 

If it's safe for cats, it should be safe for dogs and other animals as well. Just like felines, dogs may feel sick if they ingest a large number of bubbles made of dishwashing liquid. 

So your best bet is to go for bubbles with specific pet formula and also monitor the number of bubbles your pet eats.

What Soaps Are Safe for Cats?

If you are using dish detergent to make bubbles, it's vital to check its label for toxins. If you find any, leave the liquid aside and look for another one with a non-toxic formula. 

Dish soap is great for bubble play because it makes small bubbles that prevent the pet from ingesting large amounts of chemicals. 

Even if you have non-toxic bubbles, the secret to keeping your cat safe is to make sure the bubble play doesn't last for too long. You want to play just for a couple of minutes a day to minimize the ingested amount of soap and oils. 

A prolonged bubble shower can cause stomach distress.

Kitty Bubbles

Why Do Cats Like Kitty Bubbles?

Just like balloons, cats love bubbles for a good reason. They are furry kids at heart, as well as being innate hunters, they love chasing, observing, and hitting prey. 

Unlike inanimated, static kitty toys, using a bubble wand makes these curious little orbs float in the air in an unpredictable manner. 

This makes the cat perceive them as prey and follow them to catch them. The furry hunter is rewarded with a fun pop for each captured bubble which makes it even more engaged. 

The bubble game can be played either solo or in a group. 

So, if you have more cats, it is a perfect activity for them to strengthen their bonds and engage in positive competition.

Bubble game improves cat's cognitive abilities. Moreover, since it implies running, jumping, and pouncing, it's a great exercise to tone up the feline's body.

Bubble play can also help with pet arthritis as they can still stretch and move about without too much impact and overloading their kitty joints.

How to Make DIY Bubbles for Cats?

f you don't want to buy pet bubbles, you can easily make your own bubble solution. 

All you need is water, natural dishwashing detergent a plastic bottle, and a bubble wand. 

Mix three cups of water and half a cup of soap in a plastic bottle. Shake well until you get a sudsy solution. 

Then, immerse the wand into the cup of water and solution, remove it, and blow gently through the wand to create small and perfectly shaped bubbles.

You can also use:

  • Non-toxic soap
  • Seventh Generation
  • Dawn dish soap
  • Organic detergent
  • Dawn dish detergent
  • A cup of corn syrup

Catnip Bubbles. What are They?

Catnip bubbles are considered the best bubbles for cats. They are based on a non-toxic formula and contain a tiny amount of catnip oil extract. 

Organic catnip is a plant whose minty smell is felines' favorite. This fragrance helps to keep the kitty engaged and more motivated to chase the bubbles. 

Lacking toxins and pungent smells, fresh catnip bubbles are a suitable option for other pets in your house.

You can easily make DIY catnip bubbles and your cat will go nuts for the fragrant catnip aroma and scents.

What soap is safe for cats

What Kind of Soaps to Avoid?

While most soaps found in your house can create bubbles, not all are safe. You should stick only to toxin-free dishwashing liquids. 

Here is the list of household detergents you should avoid.

Real Soaps

Regular soaps are usually safe for cats but they can cause stomach ache, vomiting, and digestive disorders if ingested. 

Steer clear of bar soaps and laundry detergents as they contain harsh chemicals and pungent fragrances that can make your feline feel unwell. 

Moreover, avoid homemade soaps which are corrosive and can cause intestine irritation.

Anionic Detergents

Anionic and cationic detergents are harmful to pets, so you should never use them to make bubbles. 

While anionic soaps have milder toxicity than cationic ones, they can still make your kitty suffer. 

Anionic soaps, like laundry detergents, handwashes, and kitchen cleaners, contain surfactants that can cause stomach distress if ingested.

Cationic Detergents

Cationic detergents are more dangerous than anionic ones because they contain ammonium compounds that may be caustic. 

Try to avoid such agents at all costs, else your feline may end up with tissue burns after ingesting the hazardous bubbles. 

Also, its fun might burn if bubbles land on it. 

Read the label of the detergent to see whether it contains ammonium, acetates, or chlorides. If it does, skip it.

Non-Ionic Cleaning Agents

Non-ionic detergents are milder than anionic and cationic. However, they might cause your cat to feel sick after ingesting large quantities of them. 

The most common symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting.

Catnip bubbles

What Should I Do if My Cat Looks Sick After Bubble Play?

While 2-3 bubbles (small quantities) ingested is not a big deal for your cat, dozens of them reaching its stomach can lead to negative consequences. 

Your kitty might experience stomach pain, possible upset stomach, issues with its intestines, and digestive problems. 

Furthermore, while playing, many bubbles land on the cat's coat. During grooming, they will ingest the soap particles from their cat's fur, causing stomach distress. 

Moreover, the cat might step on a soap stain on the floor and then rub its eyes with its paw, causing eye infection and mild irritation. 

Err the side of caution, always ensure they have a drink of water nearby. 

If you notice your cat feeling sick or with any signs of gastric distress after the bubble game, pay a visit to the vet

A better decision would be to get in touch with the Animal Poison Control Center. They will identify the chemical your cat got poisoned with and provide veterinary help. 

Don't try to treat the pain with remedies from the internet as you don't know for sure which compound has caused the distress. 

Your best bet is to let professionals identify the source of poisoning, then prescribe a corresponding treatment.

Are Bubbles Safe For Cats? The Verdict

So the 'are bubbles safe for cats' verdict is in! Yes, bubbles are perfectly safe as long as you follow the above guidelines. 

You are always at risk when playing with chemicals but it really is our advice to err on the side of caution at all times. 

Only use the correct type of bubbles and do your best to not allow Mr. Tiddles to ingest the bubble chemicals, even if it is organic and super safe. 

If you have any concerns always consult your veterinarian.

And above all else, HAVE FUN!

About the author

Dexter Jones has been a solid member of the ‘Mad Cat Dad’ club since time began! Dexter has been a keen cat writer for many years and lives in Croatia. He lives with his two tabby cats, Milly & Marly, who also flew in from the UK to start their new Adriatic island life together.
