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Cat Won’t Stop Purring? (Why Your Cat Constantly Purrs – Explained)

Posted in: Cat Care - Last Updated: April 27, 2022 - Author: Mayurii Rajvanshi
Posted in Cat Care 
Last Updated: April 27, 2022  
Author:  Mayurii Rajvanshi
My cat won’t stop purring

Have you just realised that your cat won’t stop purring? Don't panic, there are lots of reasons why they do this.

To start with, let's face it, a cat's purring is a really relaxing and soothing sound that can offer you great relief when you feel upset or tired. However, this sound might get annoying when your cat is doing it constantly. 

Ever wondered, why does my cat purr all the time?

There are a bunch of reasons why kittens and adult cats purr. Those reasons are pretty much the same for both male cats and female cats across most breeds. 

Some breeds, like Siamese, are known to purr and chatter more.

The purring sound is usually associated with comfort and positive emotions, such as playtime, greeting their owner, bedtime, and physical satisfaction. So your cat is likely to purr if it's relaxing in a warm and cozy place, on your lap, when you are petting it, or even when they are eating from its food bowl. 

Kittens tend to purr when they are nursing and are cuddling up to the warm and protective body of their mother. Constant purring in old cats usually denotes happiness or comes as a way they soothe themselves in pain and stressful situations.

Is your furry friend obsessed with purring?

Keep reading this post to find out why and what you can do about that.

My Cat Won't Stop Purring? (in short)

While constant purring is usually a good sign that displays positive emotions and happiness.

However, sometimes it has a negative connotation.

Your cat can purr because it's stressed, afraid of something, struggles with physical pain, or they are looking for attention.

Why is My Cat Purring So Much?

Why is My Cat Purring So Much?

For many cat owners, their pet's purring and trills are a mystery. However, this sound is made for a variety of reasons you would be better off knowing to understand your kitty better. 

Here are the top reasons why cats purr constantly.

1. Happiness

A relaxed environment usually causes your cat to purr. So when it's laying on you, between your legs, or is taking a nap on a cozy sofa or next to the fireplace, it will give out a soft rumbling as a sign of content and satisfaction. 

You will find kittens purring happily when they are nursing and enjoying their mother's company. 

Younger cats and females adults tend to rumble when they are grooming each other and trying to create friendship bonds.

2. Attention seeking

If you hear a high-pitched purr rather than a soft purr, it might be the case to give your cat more attention. A high-pitched rumble is a variation of purring that doesn't have to do with content and happiness. 

Its ultimate goal is to draw the attention of the caregiver and ask for something. 

A cuddle warning, as such! 

It might be food, playtime, or petting time. Being bold and persistent (even annoying in places), the solicitation purr meets most of the time its goal as it is followed by a caregiving response from the cat owner

It must be noted that cats may overuse this kind of purr to make you give them everything they need. 

Excessive vocalisation is when they start to annoyingly purr without interruption. 

You are better off letting kitty know that rumbling won't always work by showing no reaction to its purr now and again.

3. Stress

Apart from denoting happiness, purr might also be used by your cat to cope with stress or discomfort. 

It's similar to repetitive actions humans do when they are stressed, such as biting their nails and tapping their fingers on the table. Purring helps your cat calm down and take its mind off the stress-causing element. 

It might be moving to a new house, the death of the previous owner, unknown guests, and more. Most of the time the cat stops purring when the stress factor disappears (the guest leaves or gets used to the new house). 

Make sure to help your kitty overcome the stress by playing with it often, petting it on regular basis, or giving it yummy food. 

Since purring is also a sign of contentment, it's not easy to understand whether your cat is happy or stressed. 

However, there are some aspects that hint at your feline feeling unwell. 

Skipping meals, being reluctant to play, withdrawing, and behaving coldly with people, are all signs that your cat is struggling with stress and anxiety. 

In that case, pay a visit to the vet to be advised on how to cope with your pet's condition.

Also, our cuddly friends may also hiss, yowl, and throw in some growls if they are stressed and happy. Just be aware.

4. Pain

A cat might also purr when a part of its body hurts. Purring produces frequencies ranging from 25 Hz to 150 Hz which are similar to the electrical frequencies used to treat bone fractures, muscle strains, edema, and joint conditions. 

It could be said that by purring constantly, the cat is self-healing and self-soothing its pain. So be on the lookout for any swelling, wounds, or illness

And that includes dental issues! Yep, they get toothache too.

If you suspect an issue, treat it or get them to the veterinarians swiftly.

There is another reason why cats purr in pain. When a cat purrs, its body releases happiness hormone - endorphins which are natural analgetic. 

Even if the cat doesn't feel good when it struggles with pain, it forces itself to emit that strong rumbling sound to stimulate the production of endorphins and soothe the pain. 

They may also be purring after any recent medical surgeries as well. 

And last but not least. 

While your feline has learned to heal its pain itself, it still wants you to know about its struggle. 

By purring, it tells you that it feels bad and more than ever needs your attention and help. It would be stupid to believe that a simple purr can make a serious condition disappear as if by magic. 

Of course, medicines and a vet check-up are needed to ensure fast and full recovery of the ailing body part.

If you notice lethargy, or any physical signs denoting disease like limping in your cat, address the vet for professional assistance.

My cat purrs all the time

How Do Cats Purr?

Purring is a process that helps cats to express happiness, draw the owner's attention, and soothe their pain. 

But where this mysterious sound comes from? 

The first interesting thing to know about purring is that it can be both uncontrolled and controlled. 

So, your cat can rumble either intentionally or unintentionally. It's similar to human blinking and breathing. Purring is basically generated by three body parts working together, the diaphragm, hyoid bone and, larynx.

The hyoid is a bone found in the cat's throat acting as a support for the tongue and larynx. When the feline is breathing, the larynx vibrates causing the hyoid to resonate and generate a soft rumble sound. 

The cat can make the purr sound stronger by breathing in more air, making the larynx vibrate harder.

Why Do Kittens Purr Constantly?

If your cat has given birth to kittens, you will notice that they are purring non-stop. This sound resonates with them as they have heard it while they were in their mother's belly. Cats in labor tend to purr to soothe the pain. 

Being the first sound they learn to make, kittens use it to create a strong bond with their mom. They purr while nursing as a sign of affection and contentment with being close to their mother. 

Also, rumbling helps the cat mom keep count of its kittens and be sure that they are in her proximity and content.

Just as in adult felines purring can signify both happiness and stress, so does it in kittens. 

The little kitties can purr when they feel in danger, calling out to their mother to help. They will also purr if they are in pain or stressed.

cat purrs all the time

Why Does My Kitten Purr then Bite Me?

If your kitten purrs, licks and bites you at the same time, there are some logical considerations behind it. 

First off, felines bite and attack from an early age to master and improve their hunting skills. Since they bite their mother as well, they naturally combine it with purring. Purring denotes the close bond and playful nature of the attack. 

Most of the time, kittens combine biting with rumbling when they are in a good mood. Yet sometimes they rumble because they feel unsafe and are afraid of something. It usually happens when they move to a new house or are surrounded by strange people.

Kittens can also bite during petting

Imagine a scenario: you pet your beloved kitty, making it purr and meow in pleasure and then it suddenly bites you. 

If you are a cat owner, you have probably experienced it. Your kitty had a good reason to resort to such an aggressive action, which scientists call petting-induced aggression. 

There was something in your behavior that suddenly irritated your cat. It can be petting it too fast, pressing too hard onto its body, or trying to pet its belly which is a very sensitive area and not all cats are happy to be petted there.

If you don't like to be bitten by your feline over and over, try to play smart when it's practicing its hunter skills on you. 

Use interactive toys instead of hands to pet it and do your best not to annoy it.

My Cat Won't Stop Purring? Should I be Concerned

There are different reasons why your cat purrs non-stop. In the best-case scenario, it does it to show its endless love for you. It feels so good near you that it turns into a purring machine. 

Constant purring can also hint at something bad happening with your feline. 

It can mean that it is stressed or struggles with physical pain. It's worth noting, though, that prolonged purring is not enough to say for sure that your cat is suffering. There should be other visible signs that go along with permanent rumbling. 

For example, the feline becomes lethargic, socially absent, and skips meals when it is stressed or overwhelmed by pain.

You should also watch your cat for excessive behaviors, such as overgrooming and scratching things more often than usual. 

Some physical signs might also suggest that your pet is in pain, including limping, hunching, tilting its head, having discharges from the eyes, or losing weight surprisingly fast. 

If purring is coupled with any of these symptoms, it should ring the alarm bell for you. 

The best is to take your cat to the vet for a thorough medical check-up.

My Cat Won't Stop Purring: The Verdict

I hope this answers the "my cat won't stop purring" mystery. Nine times out of ten it is all good. Purring is a unique sound that makes us, humans, get relaxed and feel good. 

The soft vibrations have a soothing effect on our minds, helping us get rid of negative emotions and recharge our batteries with positive energy. 

At the same time, the purrs reassure us that our feline feels content and happy. 

That being said, if you notice your kitty purring while showing other disease-related signs, book an appointment with the vet.

About the author

Mayurii Rajvanshi takes pride in being a content ninja, who is an avid animal lover. She has fostered numerous cats and developed in-depth knowledge of feline facts so she can write about cat health and cat care to help dispel myths with authentic information. Her aim is to encourage responsible pet parenting and cat adoption.
