Can Cats Eat Carrots (Are They Safe For Cats?)

Posted in: Cat Health - Last Updated: August 11, 2022 - Author: Mayurii Rajvanshi
Posted in Cat Health 
Last Updated: August 11, 2022  
Author:  Mayurii Rajvanshi

Ask anyone to name one veggie that’s great for eyesight and most probably you’ll hear carrots! There’s no denying the fact that this health-boosting veggie should be in everyone’s diet.

And no, Bugs Bunny isn’t the only one chomping on it. 

Carrots are very healthy for humans as they are a good source of the soluble fiber pectin. 

can cats eat carrots

This dietary fiber can slow down your digestion, keeping your blood sugar levels under control. Pectin can also help improve the healthy bacteria in your gut and reduce the amount of cholesterol being absorbed by your body. 

Guess what’s the best part about eating this veggie? You won’t have to worry about spikes in your blood sugar levels as carrots are ranked low on the glycemic index

Obviously, if eating carrots are so good for you, you’ll be left wondering about their impact on your kitty’s health. After all, they too deserve to eat health-boosting foods. 

Can your fur baby also have the same benefits when eating carrots?

It’s time we find out!

Can Cats Eat Carrots?

If you’re looking for a short answer, then the answer is yes. Your cat can certainly eat carrots and will not face any problems. If anything, carrots would be a great addition to their diet. 

The vitamins (vitamin a, vitamin K1, and vitamin b6), magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and minerals present in carrots can offer positive many health benefits to your cat. 

Naturally, you should first check with your vet if your particular cat can have a carrot as a snack.

But for most cats, carrots don’t pose any toxic food problems. You should restrict carrots as a snack to small quantities, and it would always be better to give them cooked carrots.

can cats have carrots

Can Cats Have Carrots in Their Diet?

If you decide to include carrots as part of your cat’s diet, you should do it in small amounts.

Vegetables are not part of a cat’s natural diet, as they’re obligate carnivores. As such, carrots can’t make up a major part of their food intake. 

Also, carrots and other vegetables have natural sugar in them.

Natural sugar is also not a great addition for your cat, and too many carrots can end up causing obesity and other related issues. 

If your cat is showing symptoms such as constant urination, vomiting, and excessive thirst, then they are signs of feline diabetes.

If your cat has diabetes, it will also show other signs such as an inability to jump or a lack of appetite. In such cases, you should take your cat immediately to the vet. 

As long as you keep the carrots as an irregular snack that you give once a week, your cat should be perfectly healthy.

Are Carrots Bad For Cats?

Even if you give raw carrots to your cat, the vegetable itself is not toxic. But the texture of a carrot is usually hard. When your cat eats a raw carrot, it can end up becoming a choking hazard. 

So, it’s advisable not to give raw carrots.

Instead, you should boil the carrot before giving it to your feline friend. When you boil a carrot, it becomes soft. This makes it easy for the cat to nibble at the vegetable without becoming a choking hazard. 

But make sure you don’t add any seasoning to the carrots as you would do to a meal for humans. 

We must stress that butter, garlic, and onions are potentially toxic to cats, and dairy products can also cause stomach upsets.

So never mix these ingredients in!

You should also not roast the carrot with any cooking oil or spices. 

You can also use carrots as part of the ingredients for baked goods. But you should make sure all the other ingredients in the baked items are non-toxic for your cats. 

Even before you boil the carrot, wash the carrot thoroughly and peel the skin off it. This would make sure any pesticides or chemicals still present on the carrot will be removed. 

Don’t add any seasoning or cook them with other ingredients, small portions of bite-size, cooked carrots can be a wonderful, perfect treat for your pet.

Cut the carrot into small pieces.

Cutting them into smaller pieces would make it easier for your cat to eat when they’re having their treats and avoid the chances of a choking hazard.

Can Cats Drink Carrot Juice?

As humans, we also tend to drink carrot juice as it gives us similar nutrient benefits as eating the vegetable itself. You may want to try out carrot juice for your feline friend as well. But that’s not a good idea. 

do cats like carrots

Carrot juice does not give the same nutritional benefit to a cat as eating the vegetable itself would. If anything, the juice would end up causing diarrhea in your cat. 

A small lick from your glass is not likely to hurt, but anything more and your feline friend may end up vomiting.

Can Kittens Eat Carrots

Carrots may be good for your cats, but what if your feline friend is still just a kitten? Is it still a good idea to give a baby cat a few carrot pieces? 

Ideally not! Kittens need proper nutritious meals. You should stick to the meals you normally give your kitten as they need the food to grow into a healthy cat. 

Formulated kitten food has all the nutrients they need, so switching from that to including carrots would not be good.

Also, it’s very unlikely your kitten would have the capacity to digest carrots so early in their life. 

Changing from cat food to a human diet would upset their digestive systems.

Do Cats Like Carrots?

Cats do like to nibble at carrots because they are crunchy, but they don’t have any particular fascination for the particular vegetable.

Also, cats don’t have taste receptors that can recognize sugar. As such, they don’t have the same sensation of sweetness that humans have.

If your cat in particular is very enthusiastic about carrots, it’s more likely to do with the texture.

are carrots good for cats

Can Cats Eat Vegetables?

Vegetables in general are not part of a cat’s diet, but some of them can be given to felines. For instance, cats tend to like celery because they’re crunchy.

Similarly, vegetables such as zucchini can also be given in small pieces. 

But they should always be a treat and never form the full meal. 

Asparagus, Green beans, pumpkin, spinach, green bell peppers, sweet potato, cucumber, or steamed broccoli are all safe veggies for cats to eat.

Can Cats Eat Carrots? The Verdict

Cats do try to experiment with different foods, but it is up to us humans to deny things that are not good for them.

You can give carrots but only as a treat. You should never use carrots as a meal replacement.

Keep in mind the amount of sugar as well, as it can end up causing feline diabetes.

About the author

Mayurii Rajvanshi takes pride in being a content ninja, who is an avid animal lover. She has fostered numerous cats and developed in-depth knowledge of feline facts so she can write about cat health and cat care to help dispel myths with authentic information. Her aim is to encourage responsible pet parenting and cat adoption.
