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How Long Do Cats Live? Average Cat Lifespan and Life Expectancy Explained

Posted in: Cat Health - Last Updated: March 1, 2023 - Author: Laraib Shah
Posted in Cat Health 
Last Updated: November 24, 2022  
Author:  Laraib Shah
how long do cats live

As a cat owner, and someone very much in love with your furry friend, at some point your thoughts are going to turn to the question of 'how long do cats live?'.

It's a given that you want your kitty to be happy and healthy for as long as possible, but it's also completely normal that you will worry, now and again, about the average cat life expectancy and what it means for the lifespan of your cat.

Of course, having some idea about how long you can expect your cat to live will help you be emotionally and practically prepared to deal with the passing of a beloved cat.

The answer to how long cats can live really does depend on many things, but the main determining factor is the care that cats receive throughout their lifetime.

The cat owning populations of developed countries are becoming more educated about and better able to provide the care that our cats need, both physically and behaviorally.  

In addition, the advancement of veterinary care and preventive medicine (vaccines and other drugs) and better nutrition have all increased the average cat lifespan in recent years.

The better care you can offer to your cat, from kitten to senior, then the longer they are likely to live.

How Long Do Cats Live?

The average cat lifespan is between 12 to 15 years, but the life expectancy of an individual cat depends on multiple factors, including the environmental conditions in which the cat lives and develops, through the care it receives as well as genetic or health conditions it may have by virtue of its breed or that it may acquire at any stage of life.

How Long Can Cats Live?

Perhaps what you really want to know is 'how long can cats live?'.

By which we mean that really you're asking what is possible for your cat. What is the maximum life expectancy of a cat? And, you want to know simply because you hope that your cat will live as long as possible.

Stories about very long-lived cats are easily found on the Internet. Some of the most famous and oldest cats are Lucy, Creme Puff, Missan, and Scooter. Of those, Creme Puff reached the oldest verifed age for a cat at over 38 years. Lucy was thought to have made even older bones at 39, but this was hard to prove and so it's not generally held to be the record.

So, the answer to how long can cats live is 38 years or therabouts. Cats have lived this long and it could be that your cat could do the same.

More recently, Guiness World Records awarded the honor of the current oldest living cat in the world to a two times rescued cat in the UK called Flossie who is a verified minimum of 26 years old.

She may be older but her minimum definite age is confirmed from records of when she was first adopted from a shelter.

how long can cats live

In this article, we will help answer the question 'how long do cats live?', and look at the factors that influence the longevity of the cat lifespan.

The Average Lifespan of a Cat

To ensure that the lifespan of a cat in your family is healthier and longer, you'll want to do what you can to exercise care and control of their environment and overall health. In other words, don't expose them to danger and ensure they have regular health checks.

It's important to note that domestic cats (as well as dogs) age faster than humans. Their internal body clock is running faster than yours, so, in comparison to their human companions, they are rushing through their alloted average cat lifespan.

Cats fit the long accepted scientific view that smaller animals live shorter average lives than larger animals. There's lots of studies that put this down to the metabolic rate and heart rate being higher in smaller animals. This is why it is said that each year of a man’s life is equivalent to 7 years of a feline’s life. In reality, this is not quite true, but perhaps it can help us understand the cycle of a cat’s life. 

Experts agree that a cat ages fastest in its first two years. Thus, the changes that occur in the animal in its initial 24 months are greater than those experienced in the following years. By the time a cat reaches the age of two it is equivalent to a human in their early twenties.

Generally, the lifespan of a cat is longer than a dog. But it all depends on the care, their food, their breed, if they lived on the street, if they are vaccinated, and so on.

A stray cat has a life expectancy of up to 5 years, and the one that has always been in a home will, on average, reach 12 to 15 years. But there are plenty of cases of cats that live up to 20 years, and beyond. If you have a primarily indoor cat that has regular health checks, then 12-15 years is a reasonable cat life expectancy.

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Understanding the Average Life Expectancy of a Cat

When considering the 'average cat lifespan' or life expectancy of a cat it's also important to think about how averages work.

They mean exactly that - the average. So when we say the average cat lifespan is 12 to 15 years, some cats can and will live longer and some will sadly die younger.

For a way to think about this, imagine a litter of three kittens.

One lives a long and healthy life to reach the ripe old age of 22, one succumbs to an age related disease at the age of 15, but the most curious is killed in their prime in a traffic accident at the age of just 6.

In this example the average cat lifespan of the cats in this fictitious litter comes out at 14.33 years. That being firmly in the average of 12-15 years that we've looked at.

So, it's an average and the examples above also illustrate some of the environmental and health risks that can cut cat life expectancy short.

How Long Do Domestic Cats Live?

When looking at the life expectancy of domestic cats, one of the most important contributing factors is whether your cat is an outdoor or indoor cat.

This is simply because cats that spend a proportion of their time outdoors are going to come into contact with more risk factors, both from infections and disease, but also from physical threats such as traffic and other dangerous environments, and, in some cases, other cats or predators.

How Long Do Indoor Cats Live?

The average cat lifespan of indoor cats is quite high due to the good care that these beloved pets usually receive from their owners, apart from the all important pampering and petting!

Plus they simply don't spend time outdoors where they might encounter diseases and danger.

Therefore, it is easy for them to reach 12-15 years of age. But it is not strange that in optimal conditions, they can also reach 18 or 20 years of age, and perhaps even a few years more. 

Balanced and adequate nutrition means that your beloved cat can enjoy many more years of healthy and fulfilling kitty life. Another fundamental point is regular visits to the vet for health checks, vaccinations, deworming, and medical care. That without a doubt, makes them not only live longer, but they also have a better quality of life.

It's a given that indoor cats are more likely to have the level of care and attention given to them that means they will be getting that quality of nutrition and health check ups.

average cat lifespan indoor outdoor stray

How Long Do Outdoor Cats Live?

It's perhaps obvious from what we've said above that when you have a cat that spends time outdoors then their life expectancy is going to be a little lower than one that spends all its time safely indoors. And that's what we're looking at here, cats that are allowed outdoors rather than ones who live outdoors full time.

As we've said, disease and accidents are the risk factors that shorten the lifespan of an outdoor cat.

There's a clear difference between an outdoor cat and a stray, because most outdoor cats that have an owner are still going to be getting the care and nutrition of the pampered indoor cats. So it's just that risk factor of going outdoors that drops their life expectancy.

For an outdoor cat that is well cared for you should expect to knock a few years off their life expectancy so it's in the range of 10-13 years. There's very little accepted data on this distinction between the average lifespan of indoor and outdoor cats that live with caring owners, so simply be aware of the fact that increased exposure to risk may have a small affect. But, again, remember that we're talking averages.

It's also worth noting that neutered cats tend to have a longer life expectancy because neutering prevents all reproductive diseases. Neutered cats are also less likely to roam far from home even if they are spending some time outdoors, which reduces that risk a little.

How Long Do Stray Cats Live?

On the contrary, a cat that lives outdoors as a stray (or even ones that have owners but live outdoors full time), whether it's a wild cat or one that has been abandoned by a former owner, is under great daily stress. Their survival instincts keep them alert as they eludes dogs, cruel humans, and traffic. 

These cats hunt birds or rodents for food or find their loot in garbage cans. Their shelter for sleep can end up being any dry place, for example, the underside of a car (this is the cause of death for many cats). 

In addition to hunger, cats face pregnancy and its complications (such as caring for stray kittens). And if that were not enough, we must add untreated diseases: worms, rabies, distemper, etc. 

It is no wonder that the cat lifespan of a stray cat (unless it finds a family to rescue him) sounds like a prison sentence with a life that can be between 2 and 5 years on average. 

In short, to ensure that a cats lifespan is as long as possible with the best quality of life, they will need a calm home environment, surrounded by people who take care of them and love them, a healthy and balanced diet, daily exercise, strict control of the vaccination schedule and regular visits to a vet.

During their life, your cat will go through six key life stages. Knowing what to look for at each stage can help cat owners look out for and prevent a number of age related health and behavioural problems. This can, of course, help to make sure that your cat life expectancy is extended.

Cat Life Stages

There are six cat life stages that they move through as they grow. Most cat owners would consider a cat to be getting 'old' when they reach the ‘mature’ stage when they are seven years old. Nonetheless, most cats don't show much sign of ageing until they are around 11-12 years old and in the 'senior' stage.

cat life stages

The six life stages of a cat are:

Kitten (0-6 Months)

Cats go through their most rapid growth spurt at theis stage. They are also learning what is safe and what is dangerous in their environment. A 6 month old kitten is 10 years old in human years.

Junior (6 Months - 2 Years)

For almost all breeds, you cat will grow to their full size during this period. They will be laying down their core life skills of playing and hunting and also reach sexual maturity. A 2 year old cat is equivalent to a 24 year old human.

Prime (3 Years - 6 Years)

As the name suggests, this is when your cat is in the prime of their life. Young, healthy and at the peak of physical fitness. Make sure that you keep mup with regualr vet checks and vaccinations. At 6 years old your cat is 40 in human years.

Mature (7 Years - 10 Years)

Your cat is now beginning to be regarded as 'old'. Like a human in their mid-Forties to mid-Fifties (the corresponding age) they may start to slow down and put on a little weight. This can aslo be a danger time for the onset of some age related diseases.

Senior (11 Years - 14 Years)

At 14, your cat is the equivalent to a hum who is 72 years old. They will be losing agility and will need more menatl stimulation to encourage them to remain active. The threat of degenerative diseases increases at this stage so make sure they get regualr health checks from the vet.

Geriatric (15 Years and Older)

At this age many cats will be looking for a much slower pace of life, mainly sleeping in a favorite spot. Look for signs of cancer in cats and changes in their eating and toilet habits. At this stage your cat is 76 years old in human years and a cat that reaches 21 is the equivalent of a 100 year old human. Take extra good care of them!

cat life expectancy vet

Factors Influencing Cat Longevity and the Average Cat Lifespan

Dangers are the order of the day, whether a kitty goes outside or stays inside all day. Factors that can influence longevity of a cats age include:

1. Accidents

A domestic cat is less exposed to cars or larger animals than a stray cat. Outdoor cats may experience incidents such as being hit by a vehicle, bumping into a trap, getting stuck in a shed or a culvert, or being attacked by a dog or even other cats.

2. Diseases

The possibility of contracting a disease increases as the cat is in contact with the outside environment. When he goes looking for a female cat in heat, male fights are common, as well as the spread of viruses and bacteria. Wounds can become infected.

3. Obesity

If your cat is overweight this will be likely to reduce the average cat lifespan of your cat. Cats that don't exercise or play sufficiently will gain considerable weight. And, as with people, obesity has many dire consequences in cats too, such as heart attacks, clogged arteries, fluid retention, and more.

4. Diet

Feeding is another main factor that directly affects the average cat lifespan. A common phrase among feline nutritionists is that "food is the second medicine." Therefore, a cat fed an insufficient or unbalanced diet will suffer serious short, medium, or long-term health problems. 

These problems can range from rickets to obesity, and other problems caused by nutritional deficiencies. That is why it is very important to choose suitable and quality food.

5. Lack of Veterinary Care

Many pet owners do not take their pets to health professionals even once a year. With the excuse that their pet "looks healthy", the cat does not receive medical attention and this can reduce his quality of life. 

Some diseases have no visible symptoms due to which it is quite difficult to detect them at the right time.

As a first measure, comply with the hygiene and health of the animal. Look after your cat's health! Give them food according to their needs, clean water in the drinking fountain every day, periodic deworming, a complete vaccination plan, and flea removal are part of basic care.

Any cat that is lethargic or "grumpy", has frequent diarrhea or vomiting, does not eat, or has "accidents" outside the litter box should be taken to the vet immediately. Even "minor" illnesses can be deadly if left untreated, and regular checkups can prevent or detect illnesses before they become serious.

On the other hand, neutering has many advantages in pets, since it prevents the transmission of sexual diseases and also the spread of viruses when males fight. A neutered female is less likely to develop uterine tumors. In males, it avoids urethral problems.

Watch this video to learn more about how long do cats live:

Tips to Extend Your Cat's Lifespan

As we have covered, how long a cat can live depends largely on the care that is provided. Therefore, to get your feline to live longer, here are some practical tips that you can follow:

  1. 1
    Control his exits and entrances from home and do not let him access busy or dangerous areas.
  2. 2
    Choose a balanced and quality diet that helps prevent disease and keeps the cat’s immune system in good shape.
  3. 3
    Daily exercise is important to avoid obesity in cats.
  4. 4
    Learn the feline language and be aware of all your cat's reactions and behaviors to detect abnormal reactions that may be a symptom of a problem.
  5. 5
    Always keep fresh and clean water in your kitty’s water bowl. Some cats don't drink too much naturally and that can lead to urinary tract problems. It's a good idea to have a cat water fountain for a permanent supply of fresh water for your kitty.
  6. 6
    Integrate your cat in the family and make him feel comfortable at home. Cats are very stressful animals and stress is very harmful to their health.
  7. 7
    Do not forget that your cat needs an annual checkup at the vet.

Veterinary Advice on Increasing the Lifespan of Your Cat

In addition, we asked one of our contributing experts, vet Megan Conrad, for her advice on what you can do to help your cat live as long as possible.

Here's her advice for your cat:

"Cats are known for their long lives but what I've found to be most beneficial to ensuring a long life is vet visits at least once per year for a full exam. We discuss the following at our vet visits to ensure happy cats:

Vaccines - these are crucial to ensure cats are protected against preventable disease thus increasing their lifespan.

Annual fecal testing and external parasite prevention - checking for parasites and treating accordingly.

FeLV/FIV yearly testing for outdoor cats
- both diseases are common and can be passed easily between cats if they are outdoors and exposed to stray or feral cats.

Blood work for all kitties 2 years old and up - This allows us to monitor their health closely and catch any disease early. Then we can get a head start on treatment and hopefully extend their life.

Nutrition and dental care - These vary with life stage and needs of the cat. We discuss specifics based on the individual cat.

What it boils down to is though cat lifespan can vary, keeping up with vet visits is one of the most important factors in ensuring a long happy life."

How Long Do Cats Live In Human Years?

Now that you know how long cats can live, many cat owners like to know the equivalence between feline and human ages. In other words - 'how old is my cat in human years?'

how long do cats live in human years

There is an accepted methodology to compare the two and we've touched on it above in the cat life stages.

You'll often hear that you can multiply your cat's age by five to get their age in “human” years, but, in fact, this is misleading and not sufficiently accurate. As we saw with the cat life stages above, cats grow from infancy to adulthood much more rapidly (even allowing for lifespan) than humans.

Cats  go through their infancy, childhood, and a most of their adolescent years in their first full year of life. That means that their first 2 years equate to a rush fom birth to 24 years old in human years. Therafter it is accepted that you can add 4 human years for every one cat year.

The chart below is based on the date from the American Animal Hospital Association and the American Association of Feline Practitioners and makes it clear how you can compare human and feline years and cat life stages:

Age Of Cat

Human Age Equivalent

Cat Life Stage

0-1 month

0-1 Year


2-3 months

2-4 Years


4 months

6-8 Years


6 months

10 Years


7 months

12 Years


12 months

15 Years


18 months

21 Years


2 Years

24 Years


3 Years

28 Years


4 Years

32 Years


5 Years

36 Years


6 Years

40 Years


7 Years

44 Years


8 Years

48 Years


9 Years

52 Years


10 Years

56 Years


11 Years

60 Years


12 Years

64 Years


13 Years

68 Years


14 Years

72 Years


15 Years

76 Years


16 Years

80 Years


17 Years

84 Years


18 Years

88 Years


19 Years

92 Years


20 Years

96 Years


So, looking at the chart, we could say that a one-year-old cat would be like a 15-year-old human adolescent. A two-year-old cat would be similar to a 24-year-old, and thereafter, each year of your cat’s age will be roughly four human years.

In any case, and as we have already explained, the answer to how many years a cat can live is not exact and neither is the equivalence between human and feline years. In reality, everything depends on the environment and genetics, both in the case of people and cats.

longest living cat breed

Longest Living Cat Breed - Cat Breed Life Expectancy

Different breeds of cat can have different average life expectancy than the general range we've been looking at.

The main reason for this is simply that some cat breeds are more likely to suffer from some specific diseases and ailments. Added to this is the fact that some cat breeds are more likely to be pampered indoor only cats (looking at you Persian kitties...) and so exposed to less risk factors facing outdoor cats. 

And then there's the scientific data we looked at earlier that makes it clear that larger animals generally live longer than smaller ones. This applies even in cat breeds so the Maine Coon and the Savannah cat might be expected to live longer, on average, than the smaller breeds such as the Singapura.

So, what cat breeds live the longest?

Here's the range of life expectancy for the most popular breeds of cat:

  • Abyssinian: from 9 to 13 years old.
  • American Shorthair: 15-20 years.
  • American Shorthair Calicó: from 15 to 20 years old.
  • American Shorthair Tabby: 15-20 years.
  • Angora: 12 to 16 years old.
  • Ashera: around 25 years.
  • Russian Blue: 9 to 15 years old.
  • Balinese: 12 to 15 years old.
  • Bengal: 12 to 16 years old, but 20 years old is also relatively common.
  • Burmese: from 9 to 13 years old.
  • Bombay: from 13 to 15 years old.
  • Norwegian Forest: about 12 years.
  • British shorthair: 15-20 years old.
  • British short-haired blue: from 9 to 15 years.
  • British long-haired: 9 to 15 years.
  • Burmese, Burmilla, Geez: about 10 years.
  • Carthusian/Chartreux: 12 to 15 years old.
  • American Curl: 15 to 20 years old.
  • Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, European Shorthair: 14-20 years old.
  • Exotic shorthair: from 10 to 15 years.
  • German Rex, Highland fold, Himalayan: around 15 years old.
  • Javanese, Korat: 10 to 15 years old.
  • Maine Coon: on average between 12 - 15 years old.
  • Manx, Egyptian Mau: they reach 15 years of age.
  • Munchkin: between 12 - 14 years old, but often longer.
  • Neva Masquerade, Ocicat, Oriental shorthair: Around 15 years of age.
  • Persian: they usually live for more than 15 years, surely because they do not usually get very sick but they require a lot of care.
  • Persian Calico: around 15 years.
  • Persian Cameo: around 15 years old.
  • Persian Hawksbill: around 15 years old.
  • Persian Chinchilla Silver: about 15 years old.
  • Persian Shaded Silver: about 15 years old.
  • Persian Smoke: about 15 years old.
  • Persian Tabby: around 15 years old.
  • Ragdoll: most will live to about 10 years, but some will reach 15 years old.
  • Savannah: They can live from 15 to 20 years old.
  • Scottish Fold: 12 to 15 years old.
  • Serval: around 15 years.
  • Selkirk Rex, Siamese: they live longer than average and it is not uncommon to find cases in which they reach 20 years of age.
  • Siberian: about 20 years old.
  • Singapura: between 11 to 15 years old.
  • Snowshoe, Somali, Sphynx: between 9 and 15 years old.
  • Toyger: 13 years or older.
  • Ukrainian: between 9 and 15 years old.
  • Van Turco: between 13 and 17 years old.

How Long Do Cats Live? The Verdict

We've established that the answer to the question 'how long do cats live?' falls in the range of 12-15 years.

However, there are many factors that affect cat life expectancy. You should be doing your utmost to keep cats happy, active and fit to extend the average cat lifespan. Above all, make sure your cat follows a balanced diet and in small portions (without too many treats!); and help them get the exercise they need to stay fit. 

We all desire to spend maximum years with our pets because our kitty becomes an integral part of our family.

Try not to ponder too much about how long your cat might live. Instead, try spending the best time with your pets and give them the care they need. They are also sensitive like kids and need significant care. Remember, personal care, exercise, diet, and veterinary care are all that they need!

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About the author

Laraib Shah is a freelance writer and a proud cat mom who shares her home with an exceptionally perfect cat named Simba. As an experienced cat mom, she is the trusted authority on cat care and cat breeds for the team. Apart from cats, Laraib loves cooking, travelling plus cookies, ice cream, and coffee!
