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The Best Cat Insurance – At The BEST Rates!

Posted in: Cat Care, Cat Health - Last Updated: April 25, 2024 - Author: Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Care, Cat Health 
Last Updated: August 14, 2021  
Author:  Jan Travell
best pet insurance

On this website for cat lovers like you, we have hundreds (actually, thousands!) of stories and videos about cats.

Many are fun and amusing tales of special cats. They might have a talent or be an adventure cat or maybe they just have unusual markings.

As you know, we like to report all kinds of stories about cats.

But, sadly, many of the stories we report start out with an illness or injury to a beloved cat.

Almost all of these tales have a happy ending and almost always that is partly down to an amazing vet using their skill and care to bring a beloved cat back to health (often with rescues and fosters doing great work too).

These stories make us feel good for the poorly cats and give us that heartwarming feeling - it's why we run this site!

But, here's the thing... what if there were no vets to turn to for help?

Or...what if the owner of the cat in need simply couldn't afford to pay the vet bill?

It doesn't bear thinking about.

Is there such a thing as 'The Best Cat Insurance'?

That's why we've teamed up with the people at The Swiftest to offer their comparison of cat insurance offers that they update on a daily basis.

They work with all the major providers of cat insurance and grade their top choice based on level of cover, affordability and how easy it is to claim, amongst other factors.

And get this, the chart below updates automatically to reflect any changes in their comparison checking.

That means that you can look at the chart at any time and pick the one that suits you best (usually the current number one and best overall choice.)

Simply click through on the 'Visit Site' button to get a personalised quote to cover your cat and get rid of the worry about how you would cover any vet bills.

Why not give it a go now and find out what your monthly cost would be?

It only takes a minute!

But Cat Insurance is Expensive!

We hear you!

We know it can seem expensive, but nothing is as expensive as not being able to save your cat.

We don't want to be overly dramatic, but the stories on this site are all the proof you need that health scares and injuries happen to far too many cats.

You and your gorgeous furball might be lucky now, and maybe lucky forever, but can you risk it?

The tuth is, tragedy strikes just when you least need it and knowing you are able to turn to a vet to save your cat when you need it brings total peace of mind.

Set it and forget it.

But, you'll know it's there in case you need it.

And, here's the best part: it need not be too expensive. Plans can start from a little over $10 per month. 

It depends on the age of your cat and the cover you need, but some cover is always better than none!

Do I Really Need It?

The last thing we want to do is to worry you into getting cat insurance or suggest you spend more than your budget.

But, we talk to cat owners multiple times every day.

And, there's one thing we hear every day - how relieved they were when they didn't have to pick up the vet bill!

We don't put that part of the interviews in our stories, but trust us, we hear it every day.

Here's the thing: it's either relief that they had insurance or despair at how much money they had to find to keep their beloved cat alive.

That's why we've partnered with The Swiftest.

We think it's the best way to make a quick easy decision so you know you're getting the best cat insurance. And, then you know you and your cat are covered.

No matter what happens...

About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.
