Can Cats Eat Beans? Are They Safe For Cats?

Posted in: Cat Care - Last Updated: June 26, 2023 - Author: Dexter Jones
Posted in Cat Care 
Last Updated: June 26, 2023  
Author:  Dexter Jones

If you've ever caught your cat munching on a legume you may have freaked out a bit and wondered if what they were doing was dangerous to their health. Well never fear! 

Beans are a potent source of protein for humans, containing calories and antioxidants that promote heart health and potentially prevent diabetes. It is widely acknowledged that beans and legumes offer a healthy option for us. However, how do these benefits translate to our beloved feline companions? Are they generally good for cat health?

can cats eat beans

The good news is that, while they can't eat any type of bean out there, they can snack on most legumes without any type of issue to a cat's digestive system.In this article, we'll go over what cats normally eat and the type of legume beans they can reasonably eat without any issues. 

We'll also go over some of the potential digestion issues a cat may have by eating beans and whether the benefits are worth the inevitable drawbacks.

Let's dive in...can cats eat beans?

What Do Cats Normally Eat? 

Before we go over the different types of beans a cat can eat, we need to go over some important facts when it comes to a cat's diet.

Simply put, you need to understand that cats are what's called "obligate carnivores". These are animals that not only make animal protein (meat) their primary (and often sole) dietary food source but also are incapable of consuming or digesting anything else. 

This means that, even if your cat can get some benefits from vegetables / plant-based food projects, their bodies are simply ill-equipped to properly absorb all of the nutrients, ultimately causing them to lose out on vital nutrients they may otherwise take in.

It may not seem like it for certain dry foods, but commercially produced cat food comes with a complete balance of all of the different vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and meats so that they can operate their bodies at their absolute very best. 

You'll want to be on the lookout for any cat foods that include soy, corn, grains, or animal by-products.

are beans bad for cats

Are Cats Able To Eat Beans? 

While beans are known for having a lot of protein compared to most other plant-based options out there, you need to also know what beans can and can't be eaten. 

As an example, while black, pinto, and kidney beans are all great options to consider eating, both baked and refried beans have a lot of potential problems that can be harmful to your cat.

On top of that, the simple fact of the matter is that, as initially stated, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they should really only be eating meat-based foods. 

Even if beans are a great source of protein, the lack of certain minerals and vitamins only found in meat will hurt your cat in the long run.

Still, just because beans shouldn't be a permanent meal replacement for your cats doesn't mean they can't enjoy sacking on a few kidney beans every now and again.

So long as you keep it to around five beans per week, your kitty should not only be absolutely fine but be happier and healthier as a result.

Different Types Of Beans 

When it comes to feeding your pets, there are some important factors that you have to always keep in mind. Some vegetables provide additional nutrients, fiber, and hydration that can benefit any cat, especially those with digestive problems. 

Even though beans may have a lot of benefits to them, they also come with their fair share of consequences. Not only will you need to avoid certain types of beans (refried and baked beans for example) but you should also be aware of raw or seasoned beans.

Raw beans are known as being the cause of staph infections as well as housing certain toxins that can have a very adverse effect on the cat's health, causing them stomach pain as well as diarrhea and vomiting.

Below, we'll tackle five of the more common types of beans out there and go over whether or not your cat should be chowing down on them. 

Are beans safe for cats

1. Kidney Beans

First on the list are kidney beans. Not only are kidney beans a perfectly acceptable option (just keep in mind that they need to be washed and cooked before serving) for your cat to snack on, but they are also super easy to get via many canned bean options. 

Just keep in mind that, before serving to your cat, you'll need to make sure everything is properly washed out to remove any potential salt water solution that's left from the can.

2. Pinto Beans 

As with kidney beans, as well as black beans, pinto beans can be a great option for cats if they're cooked, washed, and made to serve. The only caveat is that they are not seasoned and offered in very small amounts of no more than four or five.

3. Baked Beans 

Baked beans can be a very serious problem for cats. As with refried beans, baked beans tend to have a ton of ingredients that can have some very serious negative effects on your cat. Both onions and garlic can be very toxic to cats while many baked beans will also have some type of sweetener, making them a not ideal option for cats looking to keep their weight under control or avoid pancreatitis. 

Baked beans generally contain a lot of salt which is very bad for cats. Watch for symptoms of salt poisoning, which include excessive thirst, decreased appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy.

4. Black Beans

Black beans, when washed and fully cooked without any seasonings, is a great snack for cats to chew on, especially in small amounts. If you instead want to pull from a can, that's ok! Just be sure to drain out the liquid they're in before washing them off thoroughly in water.

5. Refried Beans

Next on the list are refried beans. Even worse than baked beans, which normally only have seasoning issues, refried beans are often covered in various seasonings while having different fats and oils also involved. 

Both garlic and onion seasonings can be quite dangerous for cats, making them something you definitely want to stay away from.

6. Green beans

Like black beans above and other kinds of beans, green beans are okay for cats to have as long as they are adequately cooked. Please bear in mind though, green beans are stringier and harder to digest so you do not want your kitty eating too many! In other words, small portions!

can cats have beans

7. Jelly Beans

Do not feed your cat JellyBeans! These beans are sweets (candy), rather than a legume, and can contain artificial sweeteners such as xylitol. This is toxic to cats as it causes their sugar levels to drop dangerously and can be fatal. 

8. Coffee Beans / Chocolate Covered Beans

Again, do not feed your kitty these. Both contain theobromine, which is toxic to cats. It can cause liver failure, excitability, a high heart rate, and seizures and can potentially be fatal.

Can Cats Eat Beans? The Verdict 

So can cats eat beans? Yes, some of them...but NOT all. And we suggest only in small portions. 

Ultimately, while you certainly can't replace your cat's meals with beans or make them any type of food staple, they can be a great additional treat for when they're good or you want to switch things up a bit.

However, You'll want to avoid baked and refried beans as well as ensure all beans you serve are cooked through and edible, but once you do that, nothing is stopping your cat from having a bit of your bean salad when you've got just a tad too many beans.

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About the author

Dexter Jones has been a solid member of the ‘Mad Cat Dad’ club since time began! Dexter has been a keen cat writer for many years and lives in Croatia. He lives with his two tabby cats, Milly & Marly, who also flew in from the UK to start their new Adriatic island life together.
