Bobcats Get a Second Chance To Be Wild at This Amazing Sanctuary

Posted in Cat Stories - On: December 21, 2022 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: December 24, 2022  
Author:  Jan Travell

Bobcats may be wild, but that doesn't stop them having fun with boxes! Especially at this amazing sanctuary.

Rustic Acres Wildcat Rescue (RAWR) is a small, non profit organisation that helps save wildcats from euthanasia.

dakota in box

It is illegal to own a wild cat, but there are some strange people out there that think it is okay to have one as a pet, which obviously it is not.

"Basically if a wildcat is seized or surrendered for being owned illegally (unfortunately many are) we offer a place for the authorities to put them so they can live out their lives in peace and not be killed for no reason," explained Karle, one of the caretakers at RAWR.

bobcat with banana

"The same goes with unreleasable wild cats," she told We Love Cats and Kittens. "This might happen because a licensed wildlife rehabilitator tries to rehab a sick or injured bobcat for eventual release, but the bobcat fails."

This occurs because their mother isn't around to teach them everything they need to know about living in the wild.

For young bobcats to successfully live in the wild, they need to know how to hunt, fear humans, and everything else that goes to being towards a successful bobcat.


"During their rehabilitation,"explains Karle. "They will imprint on humans which makes them depend on us for food and not fear us. In the wild they need to fear us to survive."

So this amazing sanctuary also provides a forever home for bobcats that no longer have the capacity to look after themselves.

bobcat eating

"We strongly believe that wild animals are not pets, and animals shouldn’t be on display, so we respect them by not being open to the public, and being a no-contact sanctuary."

These wild animals do not need to be petted, so when the caretakers bond with them it's always on the other side of the fence.

RAWR also take in domestic cats that are deemed unadoptable for various reasons. There are currently eight kitties and four bobcats in residence.

meemie 3

Meemie was three years old when she first arrived at the sanctuary.

She had been found in a barn at only a few days old – abandoned by her mother.

meemie 1

She was rescued and raised by a wonderful wildlife rehabilitator in NY, but due to being raised by a human, Meemie didn't develop fear of them and can't hunt on her own, so she can't be released into the wild.

Karle says: "We are honored to give this special, quirky bobcat a home."


Manka was found abandoned as a kitten in a garden.

She was rescued by Abbe-Freeland Animal Sanctuary, where she lived with another unreleasable bobcat, Preston.

When he sadly passed away, Manka was left alone at 7 years old. Her caretakers wanted her to have a better life where she could receive more attention and have other bobcats around.


So RAWR took her in.

"We were thrilled to offer her a home. Manka settled in quickly and is a super sweet and happy girl. She chirps, rolls, plays in boxes, and loves her new life. We just love this girl."

bobcat tongue

Moxie and Dakota arrived together.

They had both been privately owned and had never had the opportunity to run wild. 

dakota and moxie

"Dakota enjoys his new home with trees, grass, and tons of enrichment. He is a big, handsome boy who loves to lay around all day."

bobcat on perch

And Moxie is as wild as they come. She loves to to stalk, hunt, growl and spit!

"We love that she can be her wild self here. She is the complete opposite of her mate Dakotah - with endless energy for exploring and patrolling her enclosure."

moxie 2

All of these kitties, wild and domestic, have found a place to call their own in this small but bighearted rescue!

Watch the video:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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