Grumpy Cat Peanut’s Surprising Love Affair with Her Dog-Loving Dad

Posted in Cat Stories - On: June 7, 2024 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: June 7, 2024  
Author:  Jan Travell

Peanut became a cherished addition to this bustling household after she was adopted from Fuzzy Texans Rescue in Texas. 

It was hoped that she would be good a companion for Bosco, their munchkin cat.

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Despite a warm welcome, complete with a new bed, treats, and toys, Peanut initially hid - a common reaction for new cats. However, everything changed when her new dad entered the room.

The moment she heard his voice, Peanut emerged from her hiding spot, climbed all over him, and showered him with affection, clearly signaling her instant fondness.

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Her new dad was more of a dog man (having had two of his own) while his partner had three cats, was somewhat taken aback by Peanut’s immediate and unwavering attachment. Nonetheless, he quickly adjusted to this new dynamic.

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Peanut soon established herself as the alpha cat in the household. Her relationship with the other cats is complex; she sometimes picks on Bosco and is gradually becoming more tolerant of Ollie, the youngest.

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Despite these challenges, Peanut is far more accepting of the senior Pomeranian, who poses no threat by simply lying around.

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Peanut’s human mom suspects that Peanut’s aloofness towards her might stem from either a preference against women or her association with the other cats' scents.

Generally, Peanut is wary of strangers, preferring to observe passersby from the safety of the front window rather than interact.

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Peanut’s love for her dad is evident. She eagerly awaits his return each evening, greets him enthusiastically, and ensures she knows all about his day through thorough inspections.

If she can't find him, she actively searches by pushing open doors or calling to him from outside a room

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Her dad, in turn, is very attentive to Peanut’s needs, especially when it comes to her eye problems.

He is the one responsible for administering her eye drops, a task she accepts more readily from him than from her mom.

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Interactions between Peanut and her mom are more unpredictable. Sometimes, Peanut allows brief moments of petting but is quick to signal when she wants it to stop.

Occasionally, she walks on her mom, which is permitted as long as no petting is involved. These moments reflect a relationship akin to that with a teenager - full of uncertainty but punctuated with occasional acceptance.

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Over time, Peanut seems to be mellowing. Initially, she felt insecure, particularly due to Maple, a senior Tortie cat who was not friendly.

This insecurity likely led Peanut to assert herself over Bosco, who was lower on the household hierarchy.

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Now, as the alpha cat, Peanut appears more confident and comfortable.

To support her, the family ensures she has plenty of hiding places and cat trees throughout the house, providing safe spaces where she can retreat.

Despite the occasional friction, Peanut’s family love her dearly and remains hopeful that she will continue to mellow and eventually extend her affection more broadly within the household.

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Her mom especially wishes to one day be more than just tolerated by Peanut and to earn a place in her heart, even if it doesn't match the adoration Peanut has for her dad!

Check out Peanut in the video below:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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