Senior Street Cat Tom-Tom Finally Gets the Retirement He Deserves

Posted in Cat Stories - On: August 2, 2023 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: August 10, 2023  
Author:  Jan Travell

Introducing Tom-Tom, a 15-year-old tabby who once knew nothing but struggle and abandonment on the harsh streets.

His life took a turn for the better when fate brought him to Katie.

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When she first saw this grumpy elderly tabby outside her home in Portsmouth, Virginia, she knew she had to help the poor guy.

Tom-Tom was frail, unwell, and noticeably shy.

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Undeterred, Katie began to offer him food, slowly working to build trust. Despite four months of effort, Tom-Tom remained on guard. 

Katie tried to coax him into a humane trap, a tool kindly lent by a local rescue group, over thirty times. The old cat proved too cunning to be easily captured.

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Time was running against Katie, who was on the verge of moving to a new city.

Leaving Tom-Tom behind was an unbearable thought.

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She devised a plan involving a trail of tantalizing chicken nuggets leading into her kitchen, trusting that he wouldn't be able to resist the inviting aroma.

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Seduced by the mouthwatering smell of chicken, Tom-Tom bravely ventured into Katie's home, marking the beginning of his new life.

However, adjusting to the unfamiliar comfort of safety, regular meals, and a lack of traffic hazards wasn't immediate.

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With the assistance of the local rescue, Katie managed to arrange a much-needed veterinary visit for Tom-Tom.

The toll of his past hardships had, regrettably, left him with diabetes, high blood pressure, an ear infection, and a broken tail.

Yet, Katie remained committed to nurturing her new feline friend.

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Showing remarkable patience, Katie gradually noticed improvements in Tom-Tom's condition.

He grew more confident, beginning to relish the warmth of human contact one gentle pet at a time.

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For a full year, Katie and her other cats made concerted efforts to make him feel part of the family.

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All of Megan's hard work paid off and Tom-Tom transformed into a contented domestic cat, content to lounge on the couch and lovingly play the role of 'grandpa' to Katie’s foster kittens.

He has even reconnected with his playful side, finding joy in chasing lasers and bird toys, and bonding with his new feline companions.

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Reflecting on Tom-Tom's journey, Katie considers that he may once have been a cherished indoor kitten, later discarded and forced to fend for himself. 

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Today, however, he is cherished once more, with a human-feline family he can call his own, allowing him to rediscover the joys of simply being a carefree kitty.

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Check out Tom Tom in the video below:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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