Best Cat Dewormer Picks (2024)

Posted in: Cat Supplies - Last Updated: January 8, 2024 - Author: Rebekah Carter
Posted in Cat Supplies 
Last Updated: March 22, 2022  
Author:  Rebekah Carter
ginger cat in grass

The best cat dewormers are often a must-have investment for any pet parent. After all, parasites are a major problem for cats (particularly during the kitten stage), capable of causing a wide range of health issues and significant discomfort.

At the very least, you’ll need to invest in a deworming treatment when you bring your kitten home, to help keep them as happy and healthy as possible during the start of their lives.

Here are our best cat dewormers without vet prescription.

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets)

Our choice is the Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets), the best Overall Dewormer for your cat!

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count

Our Top 3 Best Cat Dewormer Picks

In most cases, the best dewormers work best when you know exactly what kind of parasite you’re dealing with. However, there are dewormers that can tackle a wide range of infestations quickly and effectively. Here are our top picks for all kinds of worms:

1. Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats (Best Overall Pick)

Simple and effective, the Elanco Tapeworm dewormer is a top-selling product and an excellent way to quickly remove tapeworms from cats. The product comes in a pack of three tablets, which you can crumble or mash to mix with your cat’s food if they have a hard time taking pills directly. 

The Elanco Tapeworm dewormer works on all common kinds of tapeworm, including Taenia Taeniaeformis, and Dipylidium Caninum. However, this medication is only recommended for cats and kittens over six weeks of age. Make sure you check the instructions before giving these pills to your furry friend. There’s plenty of guidance on exactly how much of a pill your cat needs depending on their weight.

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count


  • Reliable treatment for all common forms of tapeworm
  • Fantastic instructions to help with getting the dosage just right
  • Can be crumbled to mix with your cat’s food


  • Only 3 tablets included

2. Drontal Broad Spectrum Dewormer (Best Value Pick)

If you’re looking for a broad-spectrum approach to tackling worms and infestations, the Drontal dewormer could be the ideal choice for you. The broad spectrum dewormer works with a wide range of worm-based infestations in cats, including tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms. 

The Drontal tablets are intended for cats and kittens over the age of 1 months. If your kitten is around 1.5 pounds or more, you should be able to use this substance. The instructions on the back will guide you on exactly how much of a tablet your kitten is likely to need.

Elanco Drontal Broad Spectrum Dewormer, 50 Tablets


  • Excellent broad-spectrum support
  • Works with kittens over the age of 4 weeks, so you can target worms fast
  • Excellent instructions and customer guidance


  • Tablets can be quite difficult to split into the perfect dosage

3. Advantage II Flea Prevention (Best Premium Pick)

When you want nothing but the best for your kitty, the Bayer Animal Health Advantage II flea prevention and dewormer is an excellent all-in-one solution. The solution kills all kinds of the infestation quickly and easily, with a simple application process, which involves simply applying the formula to your cat’s neck. 

Notably, while this substance will help to prevent fleas and worms, it won’t actually get rid of the worms your cat might already have. With that in mind, you may need to combine this treatment with another tablet for your kitten.

Bayer Animal Health Advantage II Small Cat 6-Pack


  • Easy application to save time and scratches when dealing with your kitten
  • Convenient protection against all kinds of infections
  • Helps to prevent fleas and keep your kitten healthy


  • Doesn’t kill worms directly on its own.

Alternative Best Cat Dewormer Without Vet Prescription Picks

tabby kitten on grass

If none of the three options for worms and flea infestations are suitable for you, there’s always a wide range of additional solutions out there. Here are some of our top alternative picks for the best cat dewormers on the market.

4. Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Dewormer

Hartz makes deworming your beloved kitty quick and simple, with a liquid solution that minimizes the headaches of tablets and pills. This mild but effective method of removing roundworms from cats and kittens includes around 4 ounces of dewormer – plenty for most cats and kittens. 

You’ll be able to give your feline friend the syrup directly by dropping it into their mouth, or you can mix it into food or water. If you’ve often struggled with giving your cats pills, this could be the ideal product for you. The company recommends 5ml of liquid for every 5 pounds of body weight.

Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Liquid for Cats, 4 oz (Pack of 1)


  • Very easy to administer either directly or mixed with wet food
  • Enough syrup for multiple treatments
  • Excellent for getting rid of large roundworms and roundworm eggs


  • Can be quite difficult to measure the perfect dosage

5. Durvet Wormeze Feline Liquid Wormer

Ideal for cats and kittens who struggle with taking pills and tablets, the Durvet Wormeze liquid dewormer for cats can make your life a lot easier. This convenient substance can be given directly to your cat, or you can add it to the water your cat drinks instead. 

The main purpose of this particular dewormer is to get rid of large roundworms, such as toxocaro cati and toxascaris leonina. As with most deworming products, you’ll be able to see the instructions on the back of the packaging to determine how much you need to give your cat based on weight.

No products found.


  • Can easily be mixed with wet food or water
  • Ideal for cats who struggle with taking pills and tablets
  • Suitable for killing large roundworms


  • Not suitable for all forms of worm infestation (Such as tapeworm)

6. Furkinds Herbal Cleanse for Cats

Suitable for both dogs and cats, this broad spectrum treatment solution aims to eliminate a wide range of potential infestations from your furry friends. The liquid formula is extremely easy to use if you have a cat who struggles with taking pills. All you need to do is add the right number of drops to your cat’s food or drink as directed by the bottle.

The powerful natural formula has no artificial elements or dangerous chemicals, so you know you’re caring for your cat in the most organic way possible. What’s more, the formula is fully made in the USA with approval from vets.

Herbal Cleanse fot Cats and Dogs - Homeopathics Parasites and Toxins for Dogs and Cats - All Breeds and Size - Puppy & Kitten - 2oz


  • Vet-approved natural mixture for eliminating infestations
  • Plenty of liquid for multiple treatments (for both cats and dogs)
  • Fantastic easy application to cat’s food or drink


  • Not suitable for all forms of worm infestation

7. WormEze Gel Dog Puppies Cat & Kitten Worm Remover

Suitable for dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens, the WormEze gel infestation remover is one of the most versatile products on the market. Designed to battle large roundworms, this substance can easily eliminate one of the most common intestinal parasites for any dog or cat. 

The easy-to-use gel formula can be given directly to your cat, according to the instructions on the packaging, or you can mix it into your cat’s wet food. This substance is suitable for puppies and kittens starting at around 6 weeks of age, so you should be able to get rid of any impending problems as quickly as possible.

WormEze Gel Dog Puppies Cat & Kitten Worm Remover 4oz


  • Easy to apply gel formula – ideal for cats who hate tablets
  • Suitable for kittens and puppies alike
  • Great for getting rid of common roundworms


  • Only suitable for roundworms (additional treatment may be necessary for other parasites)
tabby cat on bed

Types of Worms: Common Worm Issues for Cats

As mentioned above, worming formulas are often most effective when you know exactly what you’re dealing with. Not all worming solutions will be suitable for every infestation, so it’s best to take your cat to the vet initially when you recognize symptoms of a potential parasite in your cat. 

One point to keep in mind is that all forms of worm infestation can be extremely problematic for cats, and the problem only gets worse over time if you don’t apply treatment rapidly. Getting the right solution quickly can make treatment a lot simpler and faster. 

Some of the most common forms of worms cats encounter include:

  • Roundworms: The most common form of parasitic worm in any cat, roundworms cause a range of significant problems including gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and issues within a cat's stool. These worms live in soil and can easily make their way into your cat’s digestion system, particularly if your cat spends time outside. These worms can often be seen in your cats’ feces as they become mature. As soon as you know you’re dealing with roundworms, you can find a range of different treatment options online, including gels and liquids, which are great if your cat hates tablets. Be careful when handling the litter tray, as roundworms can pass from cat feces into humans too.
  • Tapeworms: Not often a problem in kittens, but a frequent issue in adult cats, tapeworms are contracted from the stomach of fleas, after your cat eats a flea. These worms are therefore commonly accompanied by a flea infestation, which you may need to address separately. There are a number of products designed to treat tapeworms which can also kill flea larvae. During their initial stages, tapeworms usually look like small grains of rice. If you swallow one accidentally, you may end up contracting a tapeworm yourself.
  • Hookworms: Hookworms are more common in dogs than cats – but if you live in a household with multiple pets, you could find the infestation travels between animals. The most common way for a cat to get hookworm is by interacting with an infected dog. The hookworm lives in the small intestine of your cat, and actually consumes blood, which means your cat is at risk of suffering from various issues, including anemia.
  • Lungworms: As the name might indicate, the lungworm attacks the lungs of the cat, and are carried on slugs and snails, meaning your cat is more likely to get them when in wet locations, and during wet seasons. Interestingly, your cat doesn’t necessarily need to eat any slugs or snails directly to be infected by a lungworm. If another animal eats a slug and your cat eats that animal, it’s possible for the infestation to pass from one species to another.
  • Heartworms: Although heartworm was originally only an issue in dogs, it has also become an increasingly prevalent issue in many felines too. This problem is passed into cats through bites from mosquitos. At this time, there is no proven treatment available for heartworm, but your cat’s immune system should help to fight off the infestation over time. It’s still best to speak to your vet if you have any concerns, of course.

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets)

Our choice is the Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets), the best Overall Dewormer for your cat!

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count

What about Other Infestations?

Notably, many of the products you can get for treating common worm infestations in your cat can also be used for the treatment of various other bugs and infestations. It’s common to see a single treatment capable of taking on various kinds of ear mites, worms, ticks, and fleas in and around a cat's body. If you’re concerned your cat might be exposed to other infestations at the same time as a worm, the best thing you can do is look into a comprehensive form of treatment capable of tackling everything at once.

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If you’re not sure what kind of treatment your cat needs, or what sort of infestation you’re dealing with, the best option will usually be to reach out to your vet so your cat can get checked over. Most vets will be able to give you a good idea of the kind of infestation you’r dealing with.

cat lying in long grass

Worming Kittens: What You Need to Know

If you’ve recently adopted a kitten, or your cat has kittens, then you’ll need to worm them as soon as possible. The majority of kittens will be carrying worms transmitted from their mother’s milk, so it’s important to tackle the issue as quickly as possible.

Symptoms of Worms in Kittens

Ideally, worming your kitten immediately, as soon as they are old enough to receive treatment, should help you to avoid having to deal with any symptoms. However, there’s a chance you may be a little too late with your treatment, in which case you might begin to notice symptoms. 

Symptoms of worms can vary from one cat to the next, and they often differ depending on the kind of infestation in question. In many circumstances, you might notice your cat begins to suffer from weight loss, even though they might look a little bloated around the midsection. If your cat seems to be losing weight unexpectedly, you should always take them to the vet as quickly as possible. 

The sudden loss of weight in a cat can indicate a range of serious health problems, beyond a basic worm infestation. It’s also worth looking out for symptoms like:

  • Changes in your cat’s behavior: It’s common for your cat to change its behavior when its not feel like itself. If your cat seems to be withdrawn or acting strangely, you may want to consider taking them to the veterinarian. It’s also worth looking for signs your cat is uncomfortable around the bottom area. If your cat is dragging its butt along the floor, this is a common sign of worms and infestations.
  • Signs of worms: Many species of worms can show up in your cat’s litter tray. You might notice flecks of white rice-like substance in your cats’ feces, or even entire pieces of a worm in bowel movements. Be careful to wash your hands thoroughly after dealing with infected bodily movements from your cat, as some can pass to humans.
  • Diarrhea:Another common symptom of fleas and worms alike, diarrhea is a sign something isn’t right with your cat’s intestinal system. Keep an eye out for any unusual bathroom habits, as this can also indicate a range of other health conditions.

Another common symptom might be a change in your cat’s appearance. Some cats suffering from parasites have rougher, patchy fur.

How to Apply Cat Dewormers

If you need to provide your cat with a treatment for worms or fleas, there are usually multiple options available. Tablets are the most common option, specifically for more complex kinds of worms. However, you might be able to access liquids and gels too. Some of the most typical options for application include:

  • Topical: Topical treatments are medications you can apply directly to your cat’s skin. In the case of flea treatments and dewormers, you can usually find “spot-on” applications which you apply to the back of the cat’s neck, between the shoulder blades. The skin soaks in the substance, which moves through your cat’s bloodstream to get rid of infection. This is a good option if you struggle to give your cats tablets and pills.
  • Tablets: The tablet is the most common form of treatment for deworming. Usually, you’ll be able to feed a tablet to your cat whole, or you can crush the pill and mix it with your cat’s food. Many tablets intended for kittens will be easy enough to break in half.
  • Chewable: Chewable capsules can be chewed before swallowing. Many cats won’t like this option, because tablets don’t typically taste like something your kitty will want to eat. You’ll need to make sure the substance has an appealing flavor or scent.
  • Liquid: One of the most versatile medication options, liquids can be mixed with wet foods, treats, and water to deliver to your cat with very little stress. You can even give liquid directly according to the instructions on the packaging.

If you are struggling to get your cat to take their medicine don't panic, that is perfectly normal. You may want to check out these two articles below which are crammed full of helpful tips when it comes to medicating your cat:

How often do you need to give your cat a dewormer?

The most important thing to remember is that no matter what kind of deworming treatment you choose, it won’t last forever. You’ll need to check the instructions on the packaging to determine the frequency of application required for an infestation.

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets)

Our choice is the Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets), the best Overall Dewormer for your cat!

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count

Best Cat Dewormers: The Verdict

Using one of the best cat dewormers is certainly one of the most important things you can do to keep your feline friend happy and healthy. Our favorite product for deworming has to be the Elanco Tapeworm dewormer, capable of quickly and easily getting rid of tapeworms in a wide variety of cats.

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About the author

Rebekah Carter is a dedicated animal lover. Her Savannah cat, Roscoe, has a lot of attitude, while her Maine Coon, Dukino, is full of love. When not writing, she’s looking after her cats and researching ways to help them live their best possible life. Her passion for animals and natural skill for writing led her to pursue pet blogging.
