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  • “What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Owners Hilarious Pics Of Their Malfunctioning Cats Part 3

“What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Owners Hilarious Pics Of Their Malfunctioning Cats Part 3

Posted in Cat Pictures - On: June 23, 2023 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Pictures 
Last Updated: June 23, 2023  
Author:  Jan Travell

Our cats often confound us, we find their behaviour baffling and are often confused by their actions.

In reality, there’s a lot that we still don’t know about cats, but we love them for who they are and accept them into our families with open arms and hearts.

There’s a group on Reddit that serves as a place for cat lovers to show off their furry friends being goofy and doing things that are completely bewildering to us.

“What’s Wrong With My Cat?” has over 200,000 members posting pictures of their kitties in the most bizarre and hilarious situations.

It’s true that we have no idea why these cats are acting so strange and we probably will never know why.

All we can do is put it down to cat logic, which has always been the human way of explaining cat behaviour.

And as you liked the previous in this series, we thought it was time for more!

So sit back and enjoy part 3, these hilarious pictures of malfunctioning cats are sure to delight everyone who appreciates kitties as much as we do.

1. She yells until I let her join me in the bath tub


2. Does anybody else’s cat sit like this?


3. This is my cat on the TV


4. How on earth?


5. Caught the cat hunting ladybugs this morning


6. She’ll hold this pose until you put her


7. Got the lockdown Covid crazies


8. Cats are liquid


9. He carries his ball into the tub, knocks it around for hours and then passes out 


10. I think he might want to come inside


11. That’s the look of “Don’t go to sleep tonight or else”


12. He’s not allowed in the bathroom because he tries his best to get into the toilet. This is his act of protest 


13. Watching TV


14. Look at my jellybeans!


15. Our cat has the ability to scare the crap out of us. Should’ve called him Johnny


16. Guardians of the bed


17. That doesn’t go there!


18. This happens every time I take a shower


19. We’ve adopted an idiot – a dramatic idiot!


20. Oh, sorry. Was I interrupting something?


21. Every time I pick up my cat he needs to stretch…


22. He sits like this a lot…


23. It’s the one cat likes Heidi holes and the other cat likes to sit on boxes scenario


24. Mistakes were made – Fail!


25. I’m trying to do my homework, and then…


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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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