50 Hilarious ‘My House, Not My Cat!’ Pictures

Have you ever come home and felt there’s another presence in your house? You pass by the lounge and see a cat sitting on your sofa, you think “awww, a kitty” and continue on your way. Then you realize that it’s not your cat, in fact, you don’t even have a cat! Well that is happened to these people!

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Meet Bell! The Cat with the Squirrel-Like Tail

Meet Bell! She’s a delightful female whose tail is so fluffy that it looks more like a squirrel’s than a cat’s. Bell is what’s known as a Minuet cat, which is basically a cross between a Munchkin and a Persian breed.

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Is This The Cutest Cat Species Ever?

Meet the caracals, or to be more specific, baby caracals! These beautiful creatures have been religiously significant to the ancient Egyptians…

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15 Times Cats Left Us Feline Fine

Where would the internet be without cats? It’s true to say that cat pics are probably the most popular and widely shared of all our guilty internet pleasures, they never fail to make us smile and brighten up a dark day! They seem to have the ability of turning a normal situation into something majestic, cute or just too funny and we can’t get enough of it.

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16 Naughty Cats Caught in the Act of Stealing

Cats have a cheeky little habit of being where they shouldn’t, and yes, sometimes even stealing! That’s why for us it can be very satisfying when they are caught in the act!

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18 Maine Coon Kittens Waiting To Grow Up Into Giants

If you think that fully grown Maine Coon cats are exceptional, then wait until you see their cute kittens! These beautiful creatures have all the extra fuzz that a cat can have and more – and they’re cute, really cute.

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18 Of The Funniest Cat Jokes Vet Clinics Put Up On Their Signs

A funny phrase can lighten up any gray day, even for the people who are just passing by. From super corny puns about cat behavior to clever observations about felines, these signs are sure to have you in stitches.

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25 of the Funniest Cat Pictures From Instagram

We all love looking at cat pictures! As I’ve said before, it’s the main reason that the Internet was invented – so that we could spend hours scrolling through endless websites dedicated to our feline friends. 

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21 Most Wholesome Cat Rescue Photos

You’ll find there’s nothing more rewarding than saving a life. And it’s not just you who’s reaping the benefits. Rescuing a cat also frees up shelter space so more animals can get the care they need, and, most importantly, someone very miserable becomes very, very, very happy.

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Freddie Mercury and His Love for the Cats He Treated Like Children

If you’re a big fan of Freddie Mercury then you’ll probably know about his love of cats. In fact, he loved them so much he even wrote a song for his cat Delilah and dedicated albums to them!

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20 Signs That You’re A Crazy Cat Parent

Are you a crazy cat parent? No, of course you’re not. Or maybe you are. Creative studio Last Lemon posted a few illustrated Crazy Cat Parent images online and people from across the planet started sending them their confessionals.
If 5 or more of these apply to you, then by definition, you are a crazy cat parent!

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22 Beautiful Cats with Unique Genes That Make Them All the More Lovable

We all have genetic code, it’s in our DNA. It contains thousands of genes and these are present in every cell of the body, it’s how inherited traits are passed down through the generations. So take a look at this awesome selection of photos because all of these cats are beautiful and it’s their unique genes that make them all the more lovable.

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25 Incredibly Cute Pictures of Cuddling Cats

We all love to have a cuddle, it’s a way of expressing ourselves. We use it to show our feelings to our loved ones, parents use it to make their children feel safe and we cuddle our friends to show them we care. All in all, I think it’s safe to say that most species cuddle for the same reasons we do, so check out these cute pics that will definitely give you that feel good factor.

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This Beautiful Cat with a Unique Face Will Melt Your Heart

Meet the kitty that’s become a real show-stealer thanks to her unique two-colored face. ‘Cat,’ aka Wendy, lives in Thailand with her human, Eve, and since the start of her own Instagram page, she’s become the talk-of-the-town due to her double-colored face.

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16 Funny Photos of Cats Destroying Your Property

If you are reading this you probably have a cat in your family, if that is the case then you have probably also experienced one or two of the situations in this funny collection of photos. Our kitties have a tendency to scratch things, and there isn’t really any point in getting angry with them – it just something that cats do. It’s all part of being a cat.

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Welcome to Koshlandia – A Farm Overflowing With Siberian Cats

Russian farmer Alla Lebedeva, who lives in Prigorodny, Siberia with her husband Sergey, has turned her farm into a self-proclaimed ‘Catland.’ They have been raising cats for more than a decade, with their first pet, Babushka, becoming the ancestress for the rest of the ever-growing litter.

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Cat Eating Cake On His Birthday Is Adorable

We do not know much about these hilarious pictures of a cat eating a birthday cake. We do not know his name or when his birthday was and we definitely don’t know what presents he received.

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A Stray Cat Enters a Classroom and Transforms the Life of These Students by Deciding to Stay

No one knows exactly where this lovable orange cat came from but as you will discover there is no doubt at all that he has found a place where he belongs. While most stray cats are stressed by the presence of people, especially when kids are running around, this ginger kitty named Tombi was very friendly and not afraid of anything.

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25 Hilarious Pictures of Cats with Invisible Things

An hilarious selection of cats doing stuff with invisible things! Grabbing invisible objects or suspended in mid-air – It isn’t all as it seems. Check them out here.

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24 Great Pictures of Cats Pretending to be Penguins!

Penguins are cute! Did you know that they mostly live below the equator? Although some of them can be found in warmer climates, most penguins live in and around Antarctica. And as you can imagine this isn’t really a place that you will find cats. Even so, this doesn’t seem to stop our feline friends being influenced by them, almost to the point where we think even they believe they are penguins!

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25 Times People Caught Their Cats Sleeping Together In Weird Positions

Cats are capable of sleeping anywhere, in any position. We have seen them sleeping in wine glasses, shoes, flowerpots, tissue boxes, sinks, on laundry racks and in trees, many different trees. And just when it seemed like we were experts in the catnapping department, a new style of pictures have emerged of our kitties resting together. 

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19 Of The Funniest Cat Tweets Part 3

If you’re having a bad day there’s nothing better to cheer you up than scrolling through cat photos that remind us how hilarious are kitties are capable of being. And as you liked parts 1 & 2 so much, we thought it was time for more! So sit back and enjoy, these hilarious tweets are sure to delight everyone who appreciates kitties as much as we do. 

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22 Hilarious Comics About The Reality Of Living With A Cat

Artist Lucas Turnbloom and his wife rescued a sweet but boisterous little black and white cat, they named him Sweetie, they had no idea that this little kitty would change their lives forever. Lucas has since created a series of comics entitled ‘How to Cat,’ which are loosely based on the adventures of Sweetie and their own experiences of having a cat in the house.

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21 Funny Pictures of Cat Thieves Caught Red-Pawed Stealing Food

This funny compilation is an homage to all the delicious bites that got stolen without mercy but unfortunately for these kitties, they were caught red-pawed on camera. And even though it may be funny to them catch stealing food from your plate, please remember that a lot of the food that humans eat can be potentially harmful to your kitty.

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16 of the Laziest Cats on the Planet

You’ve got to hand it to them, cats have mastered the art of doing absolutely nothing. They have the ability to sit around and do nothing for hours on end and not feel the least bit guilty about it.

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25 Hilarious Photos Of Cats That Prove They Are Liquid

Cats have always been drawn to fitting into the tightest of spaces, the phrase “If I fits, I sits” was created with cats in mind. They have the ability to fit themselves in the most bizarre situations, it becomes an obsession, so much so that they are able to turn into liquid to achieve their goal – how else would they manage it.

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19 Beautiful Cats Staring Lovingly into Their Human’s Eyes

It goes without saying that our cats love us. They have the ability to cheer us up when we’re feeling down and cuddle up to us in our time of need. And then, there is the look.

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30 More Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh At

Combining Snapchat and with your favorite kitty pic gives you an endless source of unforgettable comedy. And as you liked them so much last time, we’ve decided to bring you some more that are even more hilarious than our last posting.

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Can You Find the Cats Expertly Hiding in These 18 Photos?

We all know that cats have a reputation for often avoiding front-and-center attention. Many times I’ve wondered where my kitties are and I’ve looked all over the house, only to find they were right in front of my nose and I didn’t see them. Which makes them pretty savvy when it comes to camping out in inconspicuous locations.

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25 Funny Pictures of the Derpiest Cats on the Planet

It’s true to say that although we regard our kitties as beautiful, majestic and elegant, they definitely have another side to them. Every now and then, when they’re caught on camera, they look a bit derpy!

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