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  • This Adorable Dwarf Cat Will Steal Your Heart – Read Widget’s Amazing Story!

This Adorable Dwarf Cat Will Steal Your Heart – Read Widget’s Amazing Story!

Posted in Cat Stories - On: June 14, 2024 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: June 14, 2024  
Author:  Jan Travell

Widget and her siblings arrived at the Carroll County Humane Society in late April or early May 2020.

Catherine, who oversees the Humane Society, excitedly informed a potential foster parent, Michelle Roberts, that they had received their first dwarf cat.

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It was love at first sight for her future foster parent.

"She sent me the most adorable photo and a short video clip showing Widget and her little tiny legs," shared Michelle with We Love Cats and Kittens.

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"Honestly, I instantly fell in love with her," she added.

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Catherine asked if she would be willing to foster Widget and her siblings.

Without hesitation, she agreed and set out to meet Widget for the first time.

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The moment she saw Widget, she fell in love. Widget was noticeably smaller than her littermates, which is a feature of dwarfism.

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While she has some health challenges, like occasional constipation, she remains an energetic and spirited cat.

She zips up and down the stairs and performs parkour on the furniture, full of life and vitality.

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Widget might be small, but she’s certainly bossy! 

Her commanding personality could be described as a “Napoleon complex.”

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Despite her size, she rules over the other cats with a mere look, making them scurry away in fear.

"She actually has a look that she will give the cats, and that one look will let them know you don't mess with her," says Michelle.

But beyond her bossy demeanor, Widget has a playful side.

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She loves her crinkle ball the most, often going wild at the mere sound of it. Sometimes, she even carries it around in her mouth.

"I have hopes that I can train her to bring that back to me. I know that will never happen, but in my mind, that would be nice!"

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 When the time came for widget to be put up for adoption, Michelle realised that she didn't want to let her go.

"When I was given the opportunity to adopt her, I jumped at it," Michelle told We Love Cats and Kittens. "As I had fostered her, I was first in line - so I did!"

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She cherished the opportunity to give Widget a forever home, especially since she had always admired dwarf cats but believed strongly in adopting rather than buying pets.

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Having fostered numerous cats before, some of which she ended up keeping, adopting Widget felt like the perfect match. 

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Widget's adoption brought joy and fulfillment into this busy household.

And when Michelle started an Instagram account for Widget, she never thought it would amass over a hundred thousand followers.

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People from all over the world express their love for Widget, commenting on how her photos and videos brighten their days.

Widget's grumpy little face has the magical ability to make people smile, transforming their bad days into better ones.

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For Michelle, knowing that Widget brings joy to others is the most rewarding part of their journey together, second only to providing her with a loving home.

Check her out in the video below:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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