Cat Found in Backpack Nearly Dead Gets Second Chance at Life

Posted in Cat Stories - On: July 16, 2024 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: July 16, 2024  
Author:  Jan Travell

It is sometimes very hard to deal with the cruelty that some humans will subject animals to.

A woman in Alberta, Canada spotted a large backpack in the garbage can. She soon realized that there was something moving inside.

Meet Hiro the miracle cat!

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This kind-hearted woman opened the backpack only to find there was another bag inside.

As she and her partner untied the bag, they couldn’t believe what they found, a ginger cat who was in very bad shape.

She immediately sought help from Alberta Animal Services who were on the scene in minutes and rushed this traumatised kitty to emergency care.

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Hiro had numerous injuries and was suffering from starvation.

It was unsure that he would pull through that night, but his carers refused to give up.

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They were so relieved that he made it through the first night and then the second and then the third, this brave kitty just kept fighting for his life.

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A week after the rescue, he looked like a different kitty with clear eyes and new found strength.

He was still a bit shaky but the determined little guy was able to stand up on four paws and balance.

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In the weeks that followed, he never ceased to amaze everyone with his incredible resilience.

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“He is so affectionate despite all that he has gone through. As soon as he hears or sees the animal nurses he starts purring and demands cuddles.”

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Hiro had to have surgery to repair his hips and before long he was running around and playing at his foster home.

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He was definitely a fighter because less than two months later he had made a full recovery.

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It was time to find him a new home and after strict screening and home visits they found him an amazing family who will give Hiro the best life filled with love, kindness and future care.

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“Together we got Hiro through hell and back,” said one of his carers.

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“He spent 50 days in our care and against all odds he survived his injuries.”

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Now Hiro is now part of a wonderful family where he is cared for and loved, we think he deserves no less.

This amazing kitty is a true hero!


Check out the video below:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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