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  • Maine Coon Molly is a Total Sweetheart. Meet Molly and Her Maine Coon Siblings

Maine Coon Molly is a Total Sweetheart. Meet Molly and Her Maine Coon Siblings

Posted in Cat Stories - On: July 16, 2024 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: July 16, 2024  
Author:  Jan Travell

I love Maine Coon cats! They are often referred to as “the gentle giant” of the cat world and are one of the largest domesticated breeds.

Renown for their hunting skills and distinctive physical appearance, this majestic kitty is one of the more popular cat breeds in the world.

3 maine coon cats

Human parents to one such beauty named Molly decided to record her growing up from a 2-week-old kitten until she turned 1 year.

(scroll down to watch video)

molly kitten

Although little Molly looked quite small for a Maine Coon, it would take several years of growing before she reached her full size.

Generally, the females are smaller than the males, but Maine Coons reach adulthood much later than other cat breeds, usually between 3 and 5 years old!

molly and annie

Molly is now 5 years old and she’s a fully grown, gorgeous Maine Coon kitty.

molly cat

Her humans told We Love Cats and Kittens that Molly has grown up to be a sweet, cuddle bug.

"She likes to wake us up (almost) every morning for attention and food. She sneaks onto our kitchen counters behind our backs when she knows she’s not supposed to."

molly maine coon

"She’s an incredibly loving and gentle cat and she’s also very vocal!" They added.

cheeky boys

Along with her human parents, Molly lives with four Maine Coon brothers and sisters.

Molly is the eldest, next in the pecking order is Annie. She's the smallest one in the family and in my opinion the most beautiful - here she is as a kitten

annie kitten

This is 3 year old Albus


2 year old Moose is a total mama's boy


And Lobo is the youngest - and it looks like he's going to outgrow his bothers and sisters!


Because of her loving nature, Molly she gets along with all them!

lobo albus molly

"She gets along with our other cats great and with everyone she meets because she is very friendly, patient, and she has a wonderful temperament." Her human mom and dad shared with We Love Cats and Kittens.

molly looking out

"We are very blessed to call her ours,” they added.

Watch the video:

Insert Video

And here's Molly growing up from 2 weeks to 1 year:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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