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  • Couple Adopt A Cat Thinking He’d Be Independent, They Couldn’t Have Been More Wrong!

Couple Adopt A Cat Thinking He’d Be Independent, They Couldn’t Have Been More Wrong!

Posted in Cat Stories - On: November 8, 2023 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Stories 
Last Updated: January 8, 2024  
Author:  Jan Travell

Meet Wilbur, the ultimate papa's boy!

When his humans Alyssa and Jeremie decided to adopt a pet, they opted for a kitty knowing that cats are independent animals.

But they were in for a surprise with little Wilbur!

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At the time, Alyssa was juggling her responsibilities in healthcare and at a cat rescue, while Jeremie was deep into the demands of medical school. 

Their schedules were undeniably hectic, but their desire for a pet was stronger than ever.

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They searched online and saw that a litter of kittens had been rescued from a forest, among them was Wilbur and it was love at first sight.

They eagerly filled out an adoption application, only to learn that Wilbur had already found a home.

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But then the very next day they were told that his adoption had fallen through, so that meant that Alyssa and Jeremie could bring Wilbur into their lives!

Jeremie had never had a pet before, so this was a whole new experience for him.

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Alyssa and Jeremie had always believed the stereotype that cats were fiercely independent creatures who would do their own thing.

Little did they know, Wilbur was about to shatter that stereotype into a million pieces.

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Upon his arrival in his forever home, Alyssa had to spend a few days away, leaving Jeremie and Wilbur to bond.

To their surprise, Wilbur immediately attached himself to Jeremie, becoming an affectionate and devoted daddy's boy.

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Whether Jeremie was studying or simply sitting down, Wilbur was right there on his lap, craving attention and companionship.

Even at night, Wilbur's meows would fill the air, seeking comfort and connection.

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The bond between Jeremie and Wilbur deepened when the furry feline injured his paw, and Jeremie took on the role of nurse and caretaker.

This unexpected turn of events transformed Jeremie into an incredible cat dad.

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Alyssa described her husband as someone who had been waiting for this kind of connection all his life, and their hearts melted as they witnessed his emotional awareness and affection for Wilbur.

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On tough days, Wilbur seemed to sense their emotions and would provide the comfort they needed, reaffirming his role as their loyal companion.

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As time went on, another feline friend entered Wilbur's world - Solomon.

Like Wilbur, Solomon was also a rescue, and he had a distinctive heart-shaped mark on his fur.

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These two "brothers from another mother" instantly clicked, and Wilbur took on the role of a big brother with open arms.

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However, they had their differences.

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Unlike Wilbur, Solomon wasn't initially inclined to be a lap cat.

But then after a year, as if by magic, Solomon surprised everyone by climbing onto Alyssa's lap and staying there for over an hour.

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"He just randomly crawled up, laid in my lap and stayed there for over an hour. He’s done it twice now. I’ve been blown away by this gift."

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It seemed like the start of a new chapter in their bond, leaving the question of whether Solomon might become a mama's boy in the future.

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One thing is certain, though: Wilbur will always share a unique and unbreakable bond with his human dad, Jeremie.

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He will continue to follow him around, providing unwavering companionship and love, proving that sometimes the most unexpected relationships are the most precious.

Check out the video below:

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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