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  • Rescue Cat Grew Up With This Boy and When His New Sister Was Born…

Rescue Cat Grew Up With This Boy and When His New Sister Was Born…

Posted in Cat Videos - On: September 14, 2023 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Videos 
Last Updated: September 14, 2023  
Author:  Jan Travell

BlaBla is a rescue cat, he was found on the streets of Greece in a terrible condition when he was still a young kitten.

He was one of the lucky ones as there are millions of stray cats in Greece, he was treated and adopted by Rebecca and her husband.


Their son Peter was one and a half years old when BlaBla came to live with them.

He had trouble pronouncing the cat's original name so he called him BlaBla and the name stuck.

rescue cat. and boy

Their loving relationship didn't just happen overnight.

BlaBla spent about two months hiding about the house and would only come out to eat, drink and use the toilet when the family were asleep.

cat and boy

It took a lot of patience and consistency from the part of the family to get the cat to trust them.

cat and boy bath

But once he did an amazing friendship grew between Peter and BlaBla and they were never far apart.

rescue cat

Then when Rebecca became pregnant again BlaBla spent loads of time resting against her belly.

He instinctively knew there was soon to be a new arrival in the family.

boy and cat

And of course when Peter's sister was born, he took the time to get to know her and once again this delightful kitty had a new best buddy.

cat and baby

The whole family are so grateful and happy to have BlaBla in their lives.

Watch the video:

A spokesperson for The Orphan Pet explains: "So if you are thinking that you will adopt a shelter cat and on the second day it will be sleeping by your baby's cradle, don't.

It rarely works this way, and even after months go by, your rescue cat might NOT be like the cat you see in this video, it might not be affectionate and it will definitely won't be so submissive and patient with young children."

cat and boy 1

"The story of BlaBla is true and awesome, but it may not be the story of your rescue cat (or dog).

Don't picture your kid sleeping with a cat and just go off and adopt one.

Just decide to adopt responsibly, knowing that the kid's and cat's relationship might never reach this level of cuteness."

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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