Street Cat Rescue: King George

Posted in Cat Videos - On: June 7, 2023 - Author:  Jan Travell
Posted in Cat Videos 
Last Updated: June 7, 2023  
Author:  Jan Travell

Flatbush Cats is an organization focused on reducing the outdoor cat population in Brooklyn, New York.

There are over 500,000 cats on the streets of New York City and Flatbush Cats focus on trap, neuter and return training (TNR), mentoring and educating people in this process and of course cat rescue and adoption.


Winter is always a challenging time for the community cats that live in Brooklyn, luckily some of them have caretakers and they never go short of food, water and a good shelter to keep them from the cold.

Also a lot of them have been through the TNR program which means there isn’t a problem with fighting over territories, they all get along together fine.


In this video we meet King George, he was given this name because it was noticed he was very bossy with the other community cats in his colony and was very possessive of the colony caretaker.

In fact, he wouldn’t let her pet any of the other cats that were living there.


She had originally bought him there as part of a TNR program and he really wasn’t that friendly, but a year down the line he seems to have changed and likes the attention.

This has made the people at Flatbush Cats wonder if he was better suited to being an indoor cat, so they paid him a visit and he was very friendly towards them.

This behaviour convinced them because if he can be friendly to a stranger, he definitely deserves a chance at a forever home.


After dealing with his medical issues, he had quite a lot of battle scars and dental problems, he was placed with a foster mom so he could get the care he needed and be the center of attention.


Watch the video:

It's so heartwarming to see all the TLC that was given to King George by the people at Flatbush, so that he could have a better life.

With all his battle scars and wounds he must've had a hard time as a kitten, growing up on the streets couldn't have been easy.

Now he's a very happy cat and has found the purr-fect place to call home.

street cat

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About the author

Jan Travell is a lifelong cat owner and a feline expert. She's been the Cats and Kittens lead editor from the start. She lives in rural France with her two rescue cats, Tigerlily and Mr.Gee. Her senior kitty, Ducati, passed over the rainbow bridge recently at the ripe old age of 22.

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